Company details

Since 1997, Obsnap Group of Companies:
- Has been a stable Business partners with OEMs
from various industries. - Has a Commitment to Quality Testing & Measuring Systems that provides Fast Measurement and Accurate Results.
- Goes beyond by providing consultation and interpretation of QC / QA problems first, so that we can provide the solution to satisfy our clients’ specific needs.
For more info on ObsnapGroup browse below.

Obsnap Instruments Sdn Bhd first began as a Distributor of Quality Testing & Measuring Instruments for industries like Paint, Coating, Automotive, Aerospace, Civil Engineering, Electronics, Petroleum, Plastics, Pharmaceutical & Food.
Many years later, other sister companies were formed to serve other industries with larger and sophisticated equipment.

Meridian Instruments is a brand under Obsnap Instruments and it specialises on Biomedical, Scientific Apparatus and Accelerated Weathering & Environmental Test Simulation Equipment. With a wide range of Stimulated Test Chambers like Temperature & Humidity Chambers, Ozone Test Chambers, Salt Spray Machine, UV Chamber, Xenon Test Chamber, Vibration Test Simulator, etc.
View latest website here

Victor Equipments Resources Sdn Bhd specialise in Material Testing the Properties of Raw Materials & Finished Goods for the plastic, rubber, paper, packaging, aerospace, material fabrication, construction, automotive, metal, etc. with our list of material testing and sample preparation products.
VICTOR later established their own production site for Universal Testing Machines (UTM) with Victor Manufacturing Sdn Bhd.
Victor is also able to provide Upgrade, Calibration, Machine & Grips Customisation and Material Testing Services for Universal Testing Machines (UTM).

JS Analytical Sdn Bhd specialises in Supplying Detection, Analytical and Inspection Equipment to industries that requires: metal detection & separation, element analysis in materials, X-ray inspection and colour detection, matching & formulation.

Obsnap Calibration Sdn Bhd, focuses on offering Calibration Services for Various Measuring & Testing Equipment. While accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 and ILAC traceability for clients locally and internationally.
Our Scope of Capabilities falls under the field of Acoustic, Luminous Intensity, Hardness, Velocity, Force, Time & Frequency, Volumetric, Dimension, Mass, Pressure Measuring Device, Heat & Temperature, etc. (e.g. Gas Detector, Gas Analyzer, Moisture Meter, Gloss Meter).
Obsnap Calibration will also have Calibration Seminars / Workshop / Talks, once in a while or requested.

In order to cater to the manufacturing industry from semiconductor, metal and plastic parts and components.
ObsnapGROUP created Obsnap Automation & Engineering Sdn. Bhd. is the first company that produce machinery and systems that focuses on the production and fabrication of part & components. Services include measuring and inspection services on the produced parts and components.

Permata Bumi Teknologi Sdn Bhd is a business venture that focuses on serving the Bumi Putera bodies, agencies and companies that require QC/QA equipment, systems and instruments.